Life After War: Survivor’s Guilt

Life After War: Survivor’s Guilt

Despite the danger that closely follows their occurrence, wars have unfortunately become a significant part of world affairs. War has long been labeled as a method for world peace and stability. Some countries, especially those belonging to dominant societies, see it...

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What Transforms A Person?

What Transforms A Person?

Part of growing and living on this planet is changing. A person may change or transform basically because of their experience in life, whether for better or worse. Throughout one’s life, you change constantly. You are not the same individual you were when you were a...

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Do Soldiers Find Enjoyment in Wars?

Do Soldiers Find Enjoyment in Wars?

War happens for various reasons, and some of these include a country's economic or political benefits. One might argue that wars are incredibly unnecessary from a bystander's perspective. And to a certain extent, this is true. After all, diplomatic conversations do...

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Make Peace Not War

Make Peace Not War

War is fought against an opposing country to achieve an objective through force. War is a struggle of power where many casualties are at stake. War is a state of competition or hostility with extreme violence, aggression, or destruction with military forces. War...

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